The Delaware Memorial Bridge, a vital transportation artery connecting Delaware and New Jersey, is currently undergoing a major renovation project in conjunction with Atlantic Traffic Safety (ATS)
Maryland Department of Transportation – State Highway Administration’s S.T.O.R.M. application (“the STORM App”) allows for near real-time tracking of MDOT SHA winter weather response vehicles (“Winter Response Vehicles”) on MDOT SHA State roadways during winter weather events.
The TrafFix Devices “Big Sandy” is an Impact Attenuator Sand Barrel that is easy to move and provides external verification of the barrels correct weight of sand and is manufactured from UV stabilized high density polyethylene plastic. This Impact Attenuator/Crash Cushion Sand Barrel has been tested and certified to meet the crash worthy requirements of […]
A Truck Mounted Attenuator (TMA) is mounted to a shadow vehicle for purposes of protecting the work crew in front of the shadow vehicle and protecting the motorist that might drive into the lane closed off by the shadow vehicle.
42 Road Construction Fails Will Make You Roll On The Floor Laughing
Looking for information on a construction project near you? Project Portal offered through offers a comprehensive view of major current, funded, and planned projects occurring across the State of Maryland. You can quickly and easily access specific project information, including a general overview, interactive map, news, schedule, pictures and video, supporting documents, and upcoming […]